KCs is a system that checks the safety of harmful or hazardous machinery•apparatus through notification according to Occupational Safety & Health Act. KCs can evaluate not only the performance of the machinery but also the range of the manufacturer's technical capabilities and production systems. The certification which is provided by the Occupational Safety & Health Act. includes safety certification, safety inspection and Reporting on Voluntary Safety Verification.

What is Safety certification?
Safety certification is the system that the Minister of Employment and Labor reviews the safety performance of machinery•apparatus subject to safety certification and the manufacturer's technical capability and production system meet safety certification criteria.
What is Reporting on Voluntary Safety Verification?
Manufacturers or importers of machinery•apparatus subject to Reporting on Voluntary Safety Verification confirm that safety performance of the product meets criteria of Reporting on Voluntary Safety Verification and reports to the Minister of Employment and Labor.
What is Safety inspection ?
Safety inspection is the system to prevent disaster during use by employer who uses harmful or hazardous machinery•apparatus receive safety inspection from the safety inspection agency for the performance of the machine according to Occupational safety and health act section 36.

How to get KCs certificate?
If machinery•apparatus which manufactured and imported is products of Reporting on Voluntary Safety Verification, necessary documents and test reports issued by an authorized testing laboratory shall submit to agency. Necessary documents are document related with technology of product such as design drawings. After document review, technical ability and production ability are reviewed and if the product is reviewed and verified as appropriate, the certificate can be issued.

Scope of the product for KCs Certification
Safety certificate
Scope : Press, Shearing machine, Bending machine, Crane, Lift, Pressure equipment, Roller machine, Injection molding machine, Aerial work platform, Gondola, Chain saw
Reporting on Voluntary Safety Verification
- hazardous machinery•apparatus : Grinding machine, Industrial robot, Mixer, Crusher, Food processing machine, Conveyer, Vehicle lift, Drilling machine, Wood planning machine, Printing machine, Chamber.

Applied standard
Occupational Safety and Health Act chapter 6

How to the post-management of KCs certification?

Safety certification - Periodically verifying inspection that manufacturers with safety certificate comply with safety certificate standards Confirmation review period: verify every one years(If compliance with safety certification standards is excellent, it can be verify once every two years)

Reporting on Voluntary Safety Verification does not need to be reported again for reported products.
If Reporting on Voluntary Safety Verification product is delivered to a third party, submit a copy of Confirmation Letter.


What is S-Mark?
The S-Mark system is a voluntary certification system to prevent industrial accidents. S-Mark is the system that approve using S-Mark if the reviewed quality control system of manufacture for safety design/manufacture of the product and safety and reliability of industrial machinery•apparatus and components is proper.

How to get S-Mark?
Safety certification of machinery•apparatus not subject to obligation safety certification can get S-Mark certification. It shall submit necessary documents and test reports issued by an authorized testing institution to agency. Necessary documents are document related with technology of product such as design drawings. After document review, technical ability and production ability are reviewed and if the product is reviewed and verified as appropriate, the certificate can be issued.

S-Mark certificate applicable products
- Industrial machinery•apparatus: Drilling machine, Lifting machine, Semiconductors•LCD manufacturing equipment, Automation equipment, other industrial machinery•instruments, etc.
- Parts of industrial machinery•apparatus: Sensors, Breakers, Gauges, Industrial computers and related equipment, Slings, Safety components, etc.

Applied standard
Occupational Safety and Health Act chapter 6

How to the post-management of S-Mark certification?
The manufacturer shall verify that the certified document, technical skills, and production system are maintained and produce.
Confirmation review period: verify every one years

Contact Person

Kim Sung Hoon
